TweenMovement(jumpTweenInfo, UDim2.new(jumpMoveDirection, 0, -0.1))

If table.find(jumpInputs, input.Ke圜ode) then If movingLeft and table.find(leftInputs, input.Ke圜ode) thenĮlseif movingRight and table.find(rightInputs, input.Ke圜ode)then TweenMovement(leftOrRightTweenInfo, UDim2.new(0.03)) TweenMovement(leftOrRightTweenInfo, UDim2.new(-0.03))Įlseif table.find(rightInputs, input.Ke圜ode) then - Right If table.find(leftInputs, input.Ke圜ode) then - Left If not movingLeft and not movingRight then Player.Position = UDim2.new(0.95, 0, .Scale) Local function edgeClipping() - Crude way of keeping player object on-screen Local jumpTweenInfo = TweenInfo.new(0.15) Local leftOrRightTweenInfo = TweenInfo.new(0.1) Local tS = game:GetService("TweenService") Local uIS = game:GetService("UserInputService") Raw Script (goes inside of your player gui object): - Variables You will most likely need to adjust the 0.95 at lines 28, 29, & 50. A simple Left, Right, Jump script to give your project a little headstart.ĭo note as of when I made this, I adapted it to a frame with a Y-Scale size of 0.125 accompanied by an AspectRatioConstraint set to an AspectRatio of 0.75. In my spare time, I put together a simple script that gives your 2d player basic movement. Ever thought of working on a GUI-based game? 2d player? 2d world? 2d whatever? Allow me to help speed up your process!