USB (Hardware ID: USB\VID_0EEF&PID_0001 or Resistive one) that can be connected using 3 different interfaces: Used by many devices, some examples: UnyTouch 15' LCD TouchScreens Skyport GmbH 12.1' TFT Touchscreen VGA Monitor There is a egalax driver, but for usb you can also use the evtouch xorg input driver. (it can be capacitive but most UMPC and Tablet PC use the Let’s start by saying that the eGalax Touch Screens made by EETI Correct tap behaviour was present out-of-the-box. Without installing the eGalaxTouch support I got everything working great with default evdev setup in ubuntu 10.04 adding these commands to fix the old problems with rotation / swapped axes. " Re: eGalaxTouch touchscreen clicks on second tap QNX Neutrino RTOS V6.3 > different to what you describe. Slacko - next cycle -alpha.maybe link your post there. You need to give us the exact Puppy Slacko version.